your journey is just beginning.

A PLACE for those rediscovering themselves through slow yet meaningful living.
OUR MAGAZINES ARE Thought-provoking, spiritually rich, and visually poetic.
Rediscover Wonder;
Find Intimacy with Yahweh;
Delight Your Heart
take a journey of joy in the company of soul friends
We begin life with dreams and romantic aspirations. Along the way, the necessities of the mundane and the demands of growing families consume our energy. Soon, we’re tired in our souls and can feel lost. If you relate, this is an invitation to turn the page and make your heart happy again; to take your years of knowledge and experience and build wisdom; to take the energy you’ve poured into raising families and pour it into falling in love with your Creator—and loving life all over again.

“Though your beginnings were small your future will be very great indeed.” (Job 8:7)
What is a “Bookazine”?
Think glamorous and glossy pages with stunning imagery and visually appealing layouts. A publication that is worthy of a spot on your coffee table, filled with delightful stories, snippets and quotes; everything you love about magazines.
At the same time, it has the flow of a book as it focuses on a particular subject and includes in-depth discussions. Like a book, it’s meant to be kept and the content refered back to over and over. It’s here to stay and meant to be consumed over time. Our publication may be called a magazine, but it’s really a BOOKAZINE! Collect each edition.

Latest Edition
In Pursuit of Peace
Enter 100 pages of thoughts and stories of peace and finding peace that soothes us from the core of our being. We also take a look at the deeper meaning of the Hebrew concept of Shalom. This edition includes an interview with Beth Binger, a solo traveler; Steve Rees, harpist; and fine artist, Codey Reystead. Plus, poetry by Wendell Berry and more!
As with every issue of Paola Lane Magazine, the content is timeless and thought-provoking, with lovely images and art. As a bonus, you receive access to the digital version with your print copy of the magazine! It contains links within the articles for resources and deeper dives.
Free resources for
Beautiful & Meaningful Living

Ephesians 1 Declaration

15 Ways to Quiet Your Soul

Enjoy the Dirt: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Earth
I’m a sojourner.
Hi! I’m Laura Prather, founder and editor of Paola Lane Magazine (known as @anamcaralaura on social media) . In 2021, as I was in a ” in-between ” season— closing a business, moving to a new state, and a son off to college—I launched a website hoping to build a community of others who were searching for a place to land; who were entering a new phase in life. I named it PAOLA LANE as it represented the place of starting small (“paola” means small).
At the same time, rumblings of an idea for a magazine bubbled in the back of my mind: something I was utterly unqualified to do. As such, I constantly pushed those impressions aside. However, in January 2022, I could no longer ignore the tug in my spirit to start a magazine. Talk about a step of faith!! With a mixture of excitement and fear, I jumped into the unknown. The magazine started as—and continues to be—a journey of rediscovery. Every step is full of delight, adventure, and revelation, but also a struggle to redefine who I am. This magazine, in reality, seems to be a journal (and journey) of my personal pilgrimage and discovery. It’s my very heart.