anam cara = soul friend
A few years ago I did a study on the early Celtic saints. In doing so, I came across the term “anam cara” meaning soul friend. A term used by early Christians to signify a mentoring and lifelong bond of friendship between two souls. It has a strong spiritual connotation. I view it as those who are committed to walking the narrow path with Christ, together.
I named some of my social channels @anamcaralaura because I want to be that kind of friend to others. It’s nothing I’ve promoted and few follow—but that is part of an anam cara: It is intimate and about establishing deep and trusting relationships that require a dedication and involvement only accomplished in a handful a committed connections.
Then, as I launched my podcast, UNVEILED: Live + Godliness, I realized I’m speaking to my audience as a soul friend (of course, I am!). Within the podcast I’ am’m unveiling the daily friendship I have with the Holy Spirit—who is MY anam cara. So it seems that a name I chose on a whim is well-suited for my going forward as a writer and podcaster, eager to share my journey with the Holy Spirit, my anam cara; Yeshua, my King; and my Father, Yahweh.

Resources I love
From books, art supplies, to business resources…here is what you’ll find in my studio.
Note: some items may include affiliate links.