The View From My Back Step
The view from my back step is where I watch storms roll in over the lake or the tips of waves glisten like diamonds in the sunshine. Only inches from my crazy, busy world, this step insulates me.
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The view from my back step is where I watch storms roll in over the lake or the tips of waves glisten like diamonds in the sunshine. Only inches from my crazy, busy world, this step insulates me.
My desire is to practice the art of being nowhere. I want to be now/here with myself, my friends, and family.
There is something truly glorious about a road trip with girlfriends.
By focusing on my misery, how often did I venture into the deep until I was about to drown? I could now see I had the choice to walk the bridges OVER troubled waters.
There were many stolen swipes with my finger over the ice cubes embedded with salt crystals and then promptly lifted to my tongue as I savored the wet saltiness of summer.
Practicality is far more delightful and attractive than a dream. I’m understanding that there is a difference between dreams and imaginations.
I just spent my Saturday having a tea party with a hedgehog.
What most of us think love is, isn’t.
Those people who are the happiest are the ones that not only create happy moments but make an effort to remember the good.
I’m not sure how I initially came up with the idea of a lists of FIRSTS. I rather think it was a God-idea as I was struggling to find something good in my life.