A woman I deeply admire recently said, “Stop overthinking life like you have to have an answer for every situation or feeling. That’s not how life works. We figure it all out by just living; by messing up and making mistakes; by missing an opportunity, or by seeking advice and not taking it….Sometimes we have no idea what to do. But it’s okay.” These words were spoken at a time of second-guessing some of my own decisions.
We all do it: make a decision and then instantly doubt if it was the right one.
At some point, we must move forward, embracing our choices. Even if it’s the “wrong” decision, at least we’re in motion, and that motion can be redirected. The worst place to be stuck in is indecision. We can’t alter our course if we’re not moving—just as a rudder is useless when no wind or motor creates momentum.

Fear freezes us into a state of indecision. While standing up and moving forward is the best first step, doubt begins to plague our minds when it’s done without conviction or understanding who we are. Every bump in the road reignites our second-guessing. We find ourselves looking backward rather than forward.
- Remind yourself it’s better to make the best decision you can with what information you have right now.
- Reflect on why you took your first step.
- Recognize that even though it may be hard in this moment, you crushed fear once when you made your initial decision, you can do it again.
- Acknowledge that life is about daily recalibrations/adjustments; it’s never a straight line.
- Instead of regretting previous decisions, turn your sights towards your next one.
- Consider how you can make the best decision for TODAY, this moment.
Second-guessing is most likely a signal that you need to assess your position. It can also be the distracting whispers of the enemy of your soul. By removing emotion, your discernment is increased and you’ll be able to see if you need to brush off pesky thoughts of doubt or consider if you need to recalibrate.

In this post, I share a personal story about how I came face-to-face with doubts regarding the magazine!