The Little Things Which Cause Our Hearts To Melt
It’s the little things that easily find our tender spots; the places where we haven’t built up a barrier.
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It’s the little things that easily find our tender spots; the places where we haven’t built up a barrier.
Practicality is far more delightful and attractive than a dream. I’m understanding that there is a difference between dreams and imaginations.
I just spent my Saturday having a tea party with a hedgehog.
What most of us think love is, isn’t.
Guest Article written by Kat Bennett
(edited by laura prather)
Those people who are the happiest are the ones that not only create happy moments but make an effort to remember the good.
I’m not sure how I initially came up with the idea of a lists of FIRSTS. I rather think it was a God-idea as I was struggling to find something good in my life.
Being focused and intentional in our business multiplies our time and creates efficiency and productivity!
I wish I could take my younger self, sit her down, hold her hand, and encourage her to listen to that voice in her spirit.
You’d be surprised at how small, yet how deep and big your life will get when you search for your small town within your current situation.