Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh
I just poured coffee in my lap…
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Articles about the little things in life that have a big impact.
I just poured coffee in my lap…
It’s amazing how something as little as briefly losing our keys or stubbing a toe can ruin a day. At the same time, a timely compliment or finding a $5 bill in a pocket can make our day.
The view from my back step is where I watch storms roll in over the lake or the tips of waves glisten like diamonds in the sunshine. Only inches from my crazy, busy world, this step insulates me.
It’s the little things that easily find our tender spots; the places where we haven’t built up a barrier.
My 2021 gift idea list for Creatives (with photos).
You’d be surprised at how small, yet how deep and big your life will get when you search for your small town within your current situation.
It seems my life is dictated by all the things I HAVE to do out of necessity while everything I want and love to do remains on that proverbial back burner, never to be touched.
I felt the Father’s pleasure as I tenderly lifted the little vines, looking for any sign of what might be causing the plant distress.