Makeup is an extremely popular topic in society yet it is surprising how many women still shy away from it. Truth be told, most ladies I’ve talked to – even ones that always look so put together – feel like they don’t know what they are doing and are intimated with makeup. I confess that my drawer of brushes, eye color, powders, and cremes make me feel woefully inept. My face never looks like I imagine it should. Most days as I’m doing my best to get my makeup (face) to look like a magazine cover, I feel as if I’m more like a kindergartner unsuccessfully trying to stay in the lines! Then there are times when I wonder what’s the point? Why should I even wear it?
That’s why I’m excited about today’s post. Yadibeth shares a bit about her story and then provides us insight and tips regarding makeup by reminding us that it is more than makeup. Just as in every area of our lives, anything we want to do well, no matter what it is – it all starts with our mindset.
-Laura, Editor
My story includes circumstances that, in general, aren’t all that different from many other women’s stories but in the midst of living out our story, God teaches each of us very different lessons. As someone who loves makeup and fashion, and being in the beauty industry for over a decade, God used my interests and talents in makeup and beauty to reveal wonderful truths to my heart as well as encouragement, giving advice, bringing joy, and even bringing healing to other women I would meet along the way. Ultimately, it became clear to me that my calling, and my love for beauty, was more than makeup!
About 4 years ago I went through a divorce and at the same time, I start working at a food place for a short season. During that hardest time in my life, having 2 boys and no family nearby, I had every right to feel sorry for myself. It was so tempting to allow how I felt on the inside to dictate how I looked on the outside. However, I chose to do the opposite. Choking down the worry and stress of the moment, I became intentional in how presented myself on the outside, always arriving at work looking my best, hair on-point, and my makeup well-applied.
Why did I do this?
It wasn’t to pretend to be something I wasn’t or to hide, it was because I represent God, my family, and even – my self. I was determined to not let my current situation drag me down, nor did I want to get caught up in self-pity.
You know, you are an example to others because people are always looking at you. What you project is very important. You become an inspiration to others. There were people I met during that time who would be surprised when they learned what I was going through. They’d comment, “Whoa! If you hadn’t said anything, I would never have guessed you were going through that. You always look so nice and happy.”
My job at that time was as a cashier and it was always very busy at lunchtime. Yet, my appearance put people at ease and gave me the opportunity to talk to customers. I gave advice and met families that are still my friends. Repeat customers blessed me with presents and many times would wait in my line just because they wanted me to attend to them. These moments brought joy to me during difficult days. I had so much fun and was so blessed!
As I mentioned, I had been in the beauty industry with most of that time focused on bridal clients. During all these years I had the privilege to work with different types of women. It was something I enjoyed and looked forward to every day. As you can imagine, I received many questions and requests for makeup suggestions over the years. At the same time, I encountered other women who didn’t know what they wanted or liked, and still some that were intimidated by makeup. A lot of my clients that I worked with had never worn makeup at all! Many women see makeup as something fake and not natural. They avoid it because they don’t feel confident inside.
On the other end of the spectrum, some clients used too much makeup because, ironically, they felt the same way; they had a lack of confidence. In either case, these ladies were so beautiful but most said the same thing, they weren’t confident, and I suspect many of you would also say that. During my time with my clients, I tried to help these ladies to embrace who they are and feel amazing in their skin.
[WORDS OF LIFE: Scripture about women ]
Makeup is about how you see yourself. Let me explain with a few examples:
With each client, I ask: “What is the type or style of makeup you like?” or, “How would you love to look today?”
Many will respond with: “Oh, I don’t know. Whatever you want. You’re the makeup artist.”
While I can certainly artistically apply the makeup I think will suit them best, I prefer to guide my clients into putting some thought into how they see themselves. This can be difficult and many of us don’t ever consider our perception of ourselves. But it is so important!
As they ponder this, I’ll look at the God-given, natural features and make suggestions while encouraging them to see the beauty God gave them. I’ll say things like:
- “What about going more with glowing skin because you have gorgeous and healthy skin.”
- “I will do a natural smoky eye because you have the perfect eye shape that allows me to have more fun.“
- “I am thinking to focus more on your lips because those lips are boom!“
With each suggestion, I’m pointing out something beautiful about them. They get so happy!
Ladies, we always point to the things that we don’t like – and I include myself – but today we need to stop. OK? ?
As I do my client’s makeup, either little by little and guide them through the steps, or whether I do all the makeup and show them at the end… Surprise! They always love it! It wasn’t about the makeup, it was about embracing their beauty!

As I finish working on my clients, I wish I could adequately give you an idea of how satisfied they are. Their expression says it all as they look at THEMSELVES with new eyes. They’d say: “It’s myself but with a touch!”.
This motivated them to want to learn how to wear makeup as they’d often say how eye-opening the experience was. I had clients who could not stop looking at themselves in the mirror and smiling. What a beautiful moment! “I never give myself the time to look like this,” they’d say.
Do you see? It’s not just the makeup. The point is how you see yourselves. True beauty comes with love, confidence, and with a healthy heart and eyes to see the best in you.
Remember to ask yourself what you like and how you feel your best. Do people compliment your eyes? Do you love your lips? Show them off! This is for you – and you are important. Whatever you do, give it your touch. You know you! Everyone is different and that is the great part about it.
How you present yourself is so important. Ladies, no more excuses saying, “I don’t have time” or “I don’t know”. Practice! Today look at yourself in the mirror and love yourself. It’s time to Evolve!
Ask yourself:
1. What features would I like to accent more and how I am going to do it? Example: For me, I love to play more with my eyes so I always do liner and mascara.
2. What areas need a little more care? Example: I have dry skin and some dark spots. As a result, I do a sleeping mask twice a week and use a lotion that is specifically for dark spots.
3. Try something new! Why not? Like I tell my clients, it’s just makeup, you can wash it off. Example: New lip color, bronzer, or a new blush.
4. Do something that will give confidence then turn around and teach others. LOVE!
I’ve continued this passion over the years and not only are so many women being blessed and learning to love aspects of themselves but in return, I’ve been blessed beyond what I ever imagined. Even now I am on a new journey developing a hair care line, which I am so passionate about. In the same way, you can touch so many lives bringing encouragement, giving advice, bringing joy, and even bringing healing in just a short amount of time. For that reason, beauty and fashion quickly became MORE THAN MAKEUP to me!
Though your beginning was small, your end will increase greatly.
Job 8:7 Modern English Bible
Yadibeth is a freelance makeup artist in the Chicago area. God has blessed her with her husband, Christian, and her three son ages 1.5 to 17. For Yadibeth, God and family are the most important treasures in life. Follow Yadibeth on Instagram!